About Us
Omega Club is a non-religious organization which represents philanthropism and fraternalism and practices brotherly love and mercy.
Omega Club has three great principles as follows:
1. Fraternalism: All members of Omega Club shall show generosity and respect for the opinions of others and be friendly to and considerate of their colleagues.
2. Relief: The members of Omega Club shall be caring and considerate and practice charity for the good of individual members and the entire community through donation out of benevolence and by individual voluntary efforts.
3. Integrity: The members of Omega Club shall have integrity, set high ethical standards and devote themselves to achieving these goals in life.
What is the purpose of OMEGA CLUB?
In short, the ultimate goal of Omega Club is to provide methods and policies to assist its members to grow into a better person. To that end, Omega Club emphasizes the followings to its members.
• strengthening his character
• improving his moral and spiritual outlook; and
• broadening his mental horizons.
What are the Qualifications for membership?
• An applicant must believe in a supreme being. OMEGA CLUB does not provide any further definition, the nature of that being must be determined by the applicant himself.
• He must not have a criminal record and must be a peaceable citizen, loyal to his
country and it's laws.
• He must be able to meet his financial commitments to his family before those to
• The applicant must have a positive perception of the fraternity and act of his own
free will; uninfluenced by friends of mercenary motives.
• Membership is open to people of any race or religion who cat fulfill these
qualifications and are of good repute.
How does one become a OMEGA CLUB?
In general, Omega Club operates by asking its members to do something. Omega Club does not approach people to ask them to join the Omega Club, which should be strictly observed as a rule.
What happens at OMEGA CLUB meeting?
The meeting, which like those of other groups, are open only to members, is normally in two parts.
First, there are normal administrative procedures such as:
• Minutes of the previous meeting
• Proposing and balloting for new members
• Discussing and voting on the annual accounts
• OMEGA CLUB news and correspondence
• News about charitable work
• Study and Discussion of Philosophies and Ideas
• Sharing of Investment Information and Ideas
Second, there are the ceremonies for:
• Admitting new members
• The annual installation of the Master of the OMEGA CLUB and his officers