Welcome to the OMEGA CLUB website.
Omega Club is a non-religious organization to pursue social welfare and the happiness of humanity. Omega Club has been founded on philanthropism and fraternalism as well as special brotherhood.
Omega Club encourage its members to practice brotherly love and mercy and embrace the truth and honesty of the world. By doing so, Omega Club endeavors to bring a positive influence on the society in general.
If you value your reputation, make friends with talented people rather than being left in a crowd of mediocre people.
We hope you are amicable to the Omega Club and have qualifications to join a membership. If you join us, the Omega Club will serve as a solid foundation to make more and valuable personal connections and promote self-development and ethicality based on its immutable principles.
We are convinced that the infinite potential of an individual and an organization that you will feel in the Omega Club has not been known to you.
To try a most comprehensive description, Omega Club is at once a system of morality and social ethic and a philosophy of life. Founded on humanitarianism, it views life as a real experience. It is a simple principle assuming that the material is subordinated to the spiritual. While it keeps a focus on morality, Omega Club is not hypocritical. It demands not so much uprightness as moderation, and while it possesses patience, it is not indolent. While it seeks truth, Omega Club doesn't define it. While it asks members to think, Omega Club doesn't tell them what to think. While it hates ignorance, the Club does not shut out those who have no knowledge. While it encourages education, Omega Club does not determine its content. While it upholds political freedom and human dignity, Omega Club does not set a platform nor go out in a propaganda campaign. It believes in the sublimity and usefulness of life. It is neither modest nor kind. Practicing austerity and universal ideas, Omega Club provides such freedom that everyone is allowed to speak and discuss what he or she thinks the club is and what it should be like. Omega Club has as its members people who exercise free will to believe in God, allow faith of others by accepting from a chapter their grade as granted by morality system, practice patriotism, abide by laws, help the needy, practice fraternity, and accept and fulfill solemn duties.