From the moment you are accepted to the Omega Club, you will share unlimited values more than becoming a member of the time-honored and renowned Club. We offer opportunities for special experiences and social intercourse unique to Omega Club. In addition, we provide seminars to share various information and knowledge and organize events wherein participants can enjoy culture, fashion, beauty, and lifestyles.
To become a regular member, you first need to apply for associate membership.
Membership application - After you are accepted as an associate member, contact us to become a regular member. Fill out an application form for regular membership and submit to us. Omega Club will review your application and determine whether you have qualifications to become a regular member. If your regular membership application is approved receive a membership card and badge to be issued by the Omega Club.
If you carry your membership card, you can participate all meetings and events organized by the Omega Club. In addition, you can enter the bulletin board with your ID number on your membership card wherein you can view officials notices and postings.
Omega Club may deny your membership application if you fall into any of the following paragraphs:
• If any falsity has been found in your application form of if any information deemed as critical by Omega Club has been omitted or written erroneously.
• If you have been previously deprived of membership.
Forfeiture of Membership : Membership remains in full force and effect as long as
you perform activities as a member. You can be deprived of membership if you fall into any of the following paragraphs:
• If a member wishes to withdraw membership and let us know of his intent to withdraw.
• If a member does an unlawful or unethical act and impairs the good name of Omega Club.
Full Membership qualification -
• An applicant must believe in a supreme being. omega club does not provide any further difinition, the nature of that being must be determined by the applicant himself.
• must not have a criminal record and must be a peaceable citizen, loyal to his country and it's laws.
• must be able to meet his financial commitements to his family before those to omega club.
• The applicant must have a positive perception of the fraternity and act of his own free will; uninfluenced by friends of mercenary motives.
• Membership is open to people of any race or religion who cat fulfill these qualifications and are of good repute.
If you have any question, contact the Omega Club Center.
Tel 02-517-9577 Fax 02-517-9578