The members of Omega Club have their own reasons for joining this community.
Omega Club is committed to philanthropism and fraternalism and so does not discriminate against race, ethnicity, religion, political views and social hierarchy. The benefits of Omega Club is that the Club is composed of the people from all walks of life and that its members can enjoy equal opportunities and rights regardless of race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status when they gather together. Such values are solidly based on perseverance, kindness, integrity and equity.
Omega Club provides a unique environment for people from all backgrounds to learn skills, make lasting friendships, achieve their potential and, above all, have fun. What is more, the organization provides a valuable forum for discussion between members in an open environment, helping to build trust.
Omega Club shines of itself with its transparency. The members of Omega Club are encouraged to acknowledge their membership. The headquarter in the Hall of Omega Club is wide open to its members whoever desire to visit. The Hall of Omega Club welcomes everyone as a place of harmony and serenity.
Omega Club raises funds internally in its capacity and does not collect funds externally outside the Club. We donate funds to charities of the world, provide disaster relief of the world and initiate our own charitable undertakings, thus making great contributions to the society.
People have their own talents and specialties. We should share our talents and specialties within the Omega Club and provide opportunities and help each other. We should feel neither reluctant nor burdened. One of the critical missions of Omega Club is to mutually help each other and develop win-win relationships.
You man not have known the infinite potential for growth at individual and organization levels that you will feel by joining the Omega Club. You can share your talent and make up for your deficiencies within the Omega Club. The infinite potential of Omega Club will be a foundation to nourish and help each and every member to grow. We encourage you to rely on the Ombega Club and to take on the challenge you have so far avoided due to lack of confidence. Omega Club will be a source of power and confidence to you.